Sunday, 4 November 2012

Basic Fundamentals: Feng Zhu

Feng Zhu is a successful concept artist who teaches and also produces artwork for the media industry. I have been watching his videos for my project as he constantly repeats why knowing the basic fundamentals will massively increase your design. The core of the painting needs to be correct before rendering because if you core is out of proportion or is at a poor quality your painting will not get any better through rendering.
You can also clearly see human anatomy mannequins on his desk which show that the basic fundamentals for drawing the body is always  primary resource. Also he explains that looking at resource and understanding how the content works will vastly improve your drawing skills. If you understand how the body works your more likely to create a body that looks in proportion and shows confidence and knowledge with that particular subject.

Character creation by Feng Zhu

This tutorial is also aimed for the student concept artist who is preparing themselves for the media industry. with this video he begins to explain how time is the essence and how getting the idea down loosely is very important for concept art at the begging stage. He advises students to attend life drawing lessons and revisit the basic fundamentals to drawing as by doing this you will be able to get your designs correct and draw with confidence.

                                                     Part 2                                      Part 3

Portfolio tips

The Portfolio tips he gives out are really helpful and interesting as he introduces the video by saying that drawing with the knowledge of 3d art can improve your portfolio as it show your considering a process which is different to your own. Also its good to have basic fundamental drawing and technical drawing inside your portfolio as it shows your versatile and understand shape,form and structure.

By watching these videos I have found that the media industry looks for artists that have strong studies and can draw with confidence. 

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