Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Characters: in-game view

These are my character in game-play they are in their standing motion for now as I plan to create some action scenes next! Im very happy with the outcome so far mainly i like how the gameplay looks different and stylised compared to my game art.

Jason: Survivalist

As you can see he uses a long knife and he is very quick and dodges very well however he does less damage and finds it hard to block. His main ability is to gain health from fallen enemies by carving up their bodies.

Jack: Convict

Jack needs no weapon only his bare hands to defeat his enemies his strength and dodging skills are high however he is slow and cannot block very well. His main ability is his rage and when triggered of he takes less damage and gains incredible speed.

Lucy: Japanese Student

Lucy uses to weapons and has better range out of all characters she is very fast but has low attack power. She can block and dodge very well but is very weak and her attack moves can leave her vulnerable to enemies to strike. Her ability is to to charm a human or creature (not including bosses) to help her for a while in battle.

Victor: Chef

Victor is a mean and a hot headed character he is very good at blocking and takes less damage from enemies. His attack power is average and his dodging skills are very low and slow. His main ability is to use his weapon as a boomerang and clear the path at a distance then come in strong!

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